Crate nannou_mesh

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An API for composing Meshs. Meshs may be composed of different sets of channels including position, color, texture-coordinate and normals. Note that this is quite a low-level representation. For a higher-level, graphics-related mesh API, see the draw module.



  • Vertex types yielded by the mesh adaptors and their implementations.


  • The base mesh type with only a single vertex channel.
  • An iterator yielding the raw vertices (with combined channels) of a mesh.
  • An iterator yielding vertices in the order specified via the mesh’s Indices channel.
  • A Mesh type with an added channel containing colors.
  • A mesh type with an added channel containing indices describing the edges between vertices.
  • A Mesh type with an added channel containing vertex normals.
  • A Mesh type with an added channel containing texture coordinates.


  • Meshes whose indices and vertices buffers may be cleared for re-use.
  • Meshes whose Indices channel can be cleared.
  • Meshes whose vertices channels can be cleared.
  • Meshes that contain a channel of colors.
  • Meshes that may be extended from a slice of data.
  • Mesh types that can be indexed to produce a vertex.
  • Meshes that contain a channel of indices that describe the edges between points.
  • Meshes that contain a channel of vertex normals.
  • All meshes must contain at least one vertex channel.
  • Meshes that contain an Indices channel and can push new indices to it.
  • Meshes that can push vertices of type V while keeping all non-index channels the same length before and after the push.
  • Meshes that contain a channel of texture coordinates.


  • Clear all vertices and indices from the mesh.
  • Clear all indices from the mesh.
  • Clear all vertices from the mesh.
  • Extend the given mesh with the given indices.
  • Extend the given mesh with the given sequence of vertices.
  • Create a simple base mesh from the given channel of vertex points.
  • Push the given index to the given mesh.
  • Push the given vertex to the given mesh.
  • Get the number of vertices in the mesh.
  • An iterator yielding the raw vertices (with combined channels) of a mesh.
  • The number of triangles that would be yielded by a Triangles iterator for the given mesh.
  • Produce an iterator yielding triangles for every three vertices yielded in the order specified via the mesh’s Indices channel.
  • The number of vertices that would be yielded by a Vertices iterator for the given mesh.
  • Produce an iterator yielding vertices in the order specified via the mesh’s Indices channel.
  • Combine the given mesh with the given channel of vertex colors.
  • Combine the given mesh with the given channel of vertex indices.
  • Combine the given mesh with the given Normals channel.
  • Combine the given mesh with the given channel of vertex texture coordinates.

Type Aliases

  • An iterator yielding triangles in the order specified via the mesh’s Indices channel.